Apart from doing the workshop, we were also very busy giving demo sessions at various locations in Taipei and Taichung. From CCU trainees to SetTV’s actor and actress trainees, to long-time group exercise instructors at TaiChung’s YMCA, to China Motor employees, everyone enjoyed the action packed 50 minutes demo session. They all walked away exhausted yet energized and definitely with smiles on their faces. There were neither age nor gender restrictions, each participant had the opportunity to experience a variety of dance styles including K-pop, C-pop, Bollywood, Kung-fu dancing and more. Music and dance brought people together to share the fitness dancing fun! At the end, everybody had a good time.
This trip allowed us to explore different opportunities within universities (Chinese Cultural University and Da Yeh University), organizations (Taichung YMCA and SetTV station), and corporation (China Motor – a manufacturer for Mitsubishi) for VivAsia to become their future wellness program partner. Together we can help reach the goal of promoting healthy lifestyle and improving both physical and mental health. We look forward to our next visit to Taiwan to deliver more VivAsia Instructor trainings as well as inspiring those to teach classes and create more impact to the community.